Monday, April 18, 2011

PWA Interiors Pvt Ltd; Thank You.

On the Wrap up eve for SLDF2010 I was offered a chair with the "Philip Weerartna Architects" design team. Philip with his blazing reputation was pulling in the biggest projects in the island and I humbly consider it the biggest deal in my life to get to work with him. Sharon De Silva would be my immediate director and Head of the Interiors Team.
Coming in I was rather apprhensive about what i would face and wether the corporate lifestyle was for the likes of me. This was further ignited by the heartache of leaving design school. Your on your own, if your renderings crash theres no Darren or Chris to save you, when you want to throw the bitch fit of the century your females arent around you and most of all your mentors and lectureres arent there to tell you if your just plain crazy or wether your pretty scribbles can actually be constructed into realistic design work. So i put my trust in God. Who else could i call??//
The journey has been amazing and the experience will last me a life time. Much learned much to share:
+Firstly no senior designer will trust you just because you have a flashy portfolio, if you want them to respect  your design sense your going to have to prove it to them.even when you are the most insignificant part of the team know that they cant be a complete team without you and keep pushing until someone sees what you got. ( after that don't let anyone boss you around ;))
+Don't forget what you know, and don't think you know everything.
+ Clients can bitch out loud, you can do it in the restroom.
+ When your told you cant do something, do it anyway, even if its just for the pleasure of proving them wrong.
+ Despise Mediocrity and always strive for excellence. that way even if it isn't perfect its damn close.
+ Don't be afraid to fail. ( "if you want to really succeed you must successfully fail at least five times" - Pastor Neil Obeysekara to jude and I )

Other than all this i believe that my design approach and project management techniques received some polishing, and it was a good job to call my first. I'm sad to leave, specailly due to the amazing design team that soon became good friends and because i will miss the homely atmosphere at PWA.
 Thank God for his grace and for everyone at PWA. hope my replacement - the evil black chris doesnt irritate you all into murdering him. Though i wouldnt complain ;)))...Chris- all the best!!!!
Good Bye!!

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